Dry Ice Blasting & Cleaning From Phoenix Unlimited LLC

Dry Ice Blasting & Cleaning is Environmentally Friendly

Dry ice is made from recycled or recaptured CO2, thus giving it a second useful life.  This results in a net zero effect on the atmosphere and environment. It is truly tone of the “greenest”

cleaning process available today.

Dry ice is made from recycled or recaptured CO2, thus giving it a second useful life.  This results in a net zero effect on the atmosphere and environment. It is truly tone of the “greenest”

cleaning process available today.

Most commercially available dry ice is made from recaptured or recycled CO2, being expelled by various industrial processes.  Thus, the collection of the CO2 gas to be used and formed into dry ice gives it a second useful life and results in no real impact on the environment or atmosphere.

Dry ice blasting is simply the most environmentally friendly cleaning process currently available on the market!